Robert S. Sutor


I’m Bob Sutor and I’ve been a technical leader and executive in the IT industry for over 30 years. More than two decades of that have been spent in IBM Research in New York. During my time there, I worked on or led efforts in symbolic mathematical computation, optimization, AI, blockchain, and quantum computing.I am the co-author of several research papers and the book Axiom: The Scientific Computation System with the late Richard D. Jenks. I was also an executive on the software side of the business in areas including emerging industry standards, software on Linux, mobile, and open source. I’m a theoretical mathematician by training, have a Ph.D. from Princeton University, and an undergraduate degree from Harvard College. I started coding when I was 15 and have used most of the programming languages that have come along. I’ve just finished a book about quantum computing called Dancing with Qubits in addition to my leadership role within the IBM Q quantum computing program. It was published in December, 2019. Areas in which I’ve worked: quantum computing, AI, blockchain, mathematics and mathematical software, Linux, open source, standards management, product management and marketing, computer algebra, web standards.


