Prof Jack Strain is a Communication specialist at the University of Scranton where he has taught for over sixteen years and whose areas of expertise includes business and political communication and persuasion. Additionally, Prof Strain has two decades of professional business experience in marketing and strategic communication. His love of reading led him to begin to write as a hobby. Now with the release of his upcoming sixth novel, MacArthur's War, his hobby has become a part of his life. His "The World in Flames" series explores one of the great "what if's" in history, a war between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union in the immediate aftermath of the WW II. There are four novels in this series, Stalin's War, Truman's War, Patton's War, and now MacArthur's War. He has also written two political thrillers. Divided We Fall explores the first signs of the dangers of a Red and Blue America that explodes into a second American Civil War. While his next political thriller, The Fall of President Douglas J Wolfe, tells the tale of a President whose desire for revenge brings the country to the brink of world war and threatens to undermine the American political system as we know it.