Andi Ashworth


Andi Ashworth is the author of Why Everything That Doesn't Matter, Matters So Much and Real Love for Real Life: The Art and Work of Caring. She is Co-Founder of The Art House in Nashville where she served for over two decades through hospitality and mentoring, hosting a wide range of guests and organizations including Bono and the ONE Campaign, Blood: Water Mission, International Justice Mission, and The Gathering. Andi holds an MA in Theological Studies from Covenant Seminary in St. Louis. As Editor-In-Chief of the Art House America Blog she stewarded hundreds of essays from a variety of authors such as Tish Harrison Warren, Steven Garber, Sandra McCracken, Russ Ramsey, and Luci Shaw. Andi is most recently published in Wild Things and Castles in the Sky: A Guide to Choosing the Best Books for Children and A Book for Hearts & Minds: What You Should Read and Why. She has been married to Charlie Peacock for nearly fifty years and they have two grown, married children and four grandchildren.


