Dan Tricarico


Dan Tricarico is a high school English teacher and author of The Zen Teacher: Creating Focus, Simplicity, and Tranquility in the Classroom and You're a Teacher. . .So Act Like One: Improving Your Stage Presence in the Classroom. In his spare time, he enjoys reading and writing, listening to Classic Rock, staring out of windows, and watching old sitcoms. Dan shares The Zen Teacher experience around the country as a presenter and speaker. * * * "Essential reading for all educators." --Lisa King, teacher, United Kingdom "The Zen Teacher provides insightful tips on how to reduce stress, have more compassion, and to take care of ourselves, so we may take care of our students." --LaVonna Roth, author, speaker, and consultant "The demonstrated positive effects of a mindful approach in the classroom make it important to consider, and teacher Dan Tricarico has made that approach clear, simple, light, and practical." --Steven Hickman, Psy.D. Executive Director, UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness


