Kelly J. Stigliano


I arrived at English class in junior high and the teacher said we had 30 minutes to complete our book reports. Book report? I grabbed a pencil and paper and set out reporting on a book that didn’t exist. “The Closing of the Curtain” by Kathy McBourbon was my first work of fiction. I think I received a B+ on that assignment. Non-fiction is my genre now. As God graciously teaches me lessons, I pass along what I've learned in hopes that others can benefit from my mistakes and hopefully avoid the potholes I’ve fallen into. Maybe the readers will recognize and accept His unconditional love and give their hearts to Jesus. That’s the reason we’re on earth and I don’t want to waste my allotted time. Because, like it says in Psalm 139:16, ". . . all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." I consistently reported for weekly newspapers for 20 years. I’ve had articles published in Guideposts, War Cry, Pentecostal Evangel, Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse, Just Between Us, Sasee, Cross & Quill, Christian Communicator magazines, and more. My articles have been on websites such as,, and I am on the blog team for Mentoring Moments for Christian Women at My stories are in eleven compilation books, including Chicken Soup for the Soul Angels and Miracles, Chicken Soup for the Soul Dreams and the Unexplainable, two Guideposts series, two Cecil Murphey books, and Love is a Verb Devotional by Gary Chapman. I have enjoyed speaking to women’s groups, teenagers, and teachers since 1987, and currently speak throughout the southeastern USA. I belong to Word Weavers International writers’ critique group. My website is



