Peter Raymundo began his career in entertainment as an Animator for Walt Disney Studios in the Feature Animation division in Orlando, Florida. While working on now classic films like Mulan, Lilo and Stitch, and Tarzan, Peter grew ever more passionate about the power of great storytelling. This naturally led him to writing and drawing and writing...until the two art forms became the one way Peter was able to express himself best. Peter is now the Author and Illustrator of several award-winning books for kids. His Picture Books including The Monkey Goes Bananas and The Monkey and The Bee (published by Abrams), both of which have won multiple awards, including being official Junior Library Guild Selections. Peter is also the creator the beloved Third Grade Mermaid chapter book series (published by Scholastic Press). Told as a mermaid's illustrated diary, this remarkably witty and positive book is filled with whimsical illustrations on every page, making it a completely engaging, easy-to-read page turner for even the most reluctant reader.