Previously, the Mystery in Pink Adventure series was part of the Dressed in Pink, Misadventure series. It's been republished with the same fun stories, with new titles and covers to better depict the mystery genre. Diana Stone writes about adventures that have happened, that may happen, and that will probably never happen. Her weekly research includes wine and beer tasting, exploring back-roads in the Santa Ynez Valley, trail riding, and making her own wine. Everything gets thrown into these fast-paced, humorous mysteries. Diana is a former police officer with the Los Angeles Police Department. Though no longer with the Department, it is always in her thoughts and writing. The heroine in the series, Jessica, is also a former police officer. She has horses, an ex-husband, and a thirst for adventure. Diana and Jess could be twins. Bunny and Juliette are her two horses that also find their way into her writing. The three live in Ventura, California. To see photos from her wine country adventures, follow her on Facebook – DianaStoneBooks The videos on this page are from Cambria, Solvang, and the garden shop on Alamo Pintado Ave in Los Olivos. The flying pelicans are in Ventura.