Author, Speaker, Bible Study leader, Retreat leader, and Prayer Group leader. When I was 29 years old, I had an encounter with God that changed my life. At the time I was miserable and knew there was more to life and it was out there somewhere, but I was unable and unwilling to do anything about it. I was in a rut and rotting. I was searching desperately for love and even more for a sense of purpose. I wanted my life to be meaningful, I wanted to change the world, I thought I could make a difference and should be making a difference. I expected so much more from my life than merely existing and accumulating wealth. I was racked with guilt and shame. I thought I should be in the Peace Corps or on the mission field instead of making money and spending it on myself. One night God apprehended me and spoke to me. I knew it was Him immediately. He said one sentence “Come to me first and then you will have the Power.” It was as if all of a sudden the lights went on. Those amazing words from God opened my eyes to his awesome greatness and love for me for the first time. I had grown up Catholic went to Catholic schools and received all the sacraments with knowledge and enthusiasm and genuinely loved God. But that day I surrendered my life to him. All my life I was trying to do good and earn his love, but all He wanted was me. The reality of that is still being revealed to me to this day. He wanted ME, and He wanted me just the way I was a sinner, used, defiled and ugly. I didn’t deserve him; I didn’t deserve His mercy, I had an affair with a married man, an abortion, and much more. I didn’t deserve his mercy yet he extended to me not only mercy and forgiveness but a job in His KINGDOM, a seat with him, partnership, and a place at his table. He was giving me His name, choosing me as His child! He didn’t expect me to come to him all clean and pretty; He wanted me just the way I was (THIS IS MIND BLOWING). He didn’t say first go to confession and then I’ll take you. No! He wanted me right then and there just as I was, dirt and all; sin and all. That night He stood at the door of my heart and knocked, and I opened it. He made it so clear to me; your itty bitty way or MINE. I realized in that instant what I was trying to accomplish on my own was possible only with Him. And what a partnership He was offering me. That night the God of the universe, the omnipotent, all-powerful God was standing at the door of my heart waiting for my response (little ole’ me). God considered me worthy of His time and attention. My response was a resounding YES. I have been actively following Him ever since. That night in 1989 I was forever changed because I said yes. God chose to invest in me because He knew I was worth it. I matter to Him, and though it may take a lifetime to do it, He is moulding me into His image. He is calling you too. He is standing at the door of your heart right now. Don’t wait another minute. Jesus loves you so much He died for you. Don’t wait until you hear his voice. You are hearing it now. Say YES and then follow after him. Contact me, and I will set you up. mbwuenschel@gmail.com