Dr. Gene Ouellette


Dr. Gene P. Ouellette (Ph.D) is an internationally recognized researcher in the areas of reading, spelling, and topics exploring the links between oral and written language processes. Prior to completing his PhD in Psychology, Gene worked for over a decade as a Speech Language Pathologist and Special Education Consultant both within the public-school system and in private practice, working with students, parents, and teachers in areas to foster oral and written language development. Gene is also the Associate Editor of the highly regarded Journal of Experimental Child Psychology and Professor at Mount Allison University, where he runs the Literacy Language Research Lab. His research exploring the links between spelling and reading, the development of word reading proficiency, and the connections between oral and written language has been published in top-tiered journals including Child Development, Developmental Psychology, Journal of Educational Psychology, and Scientific Studies of Reading. Gene’s work has also been presented across Canada and the United States, and as far abroad as the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Czech Republic and Hong Kong. Specific research presentations have been made at key scientific gatherings such as at the Annual Meetings of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading and the biennial meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development. Gene has also delivered applied workshops and presentations directly to teachers and speech language pathologists, as well as to school and district administrators. Gene is currently the Head of the Psychology Department at Mount Allison University, where he teaches courses on child development, educational psychology, language development, and literacy acquisition. Gene resides in Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada with his wife Katrina and energetic wiener dog, Bruno.


