Scott Kaye


Scott Kaye is a United Airlines pilot who’s been flying commercial planes for forty years. He is one of only a few hundred Boeing 747 captains in the United States, and is among a handful of pilots throughout the world who are licensed to fly the biggest planes into the most difficult airports and terrain. Scott has worked for five different commercial airline companies, has flown to destinations throughout the world, and has logged over 35,000 hours of flight time. He is licensed to pilot all the following airplanes: Boeing 737 Boeing 747-200 Boeing 747-400 Boeing 757 Boeing 767 McDonnell Douglas DC-9 He also has extensive experience as a flight engineer and first officer on the Boeing 727. Scott has been with United Airlines for almost thirty years, through thirteen CEOs, numerous advancements in aviation technology, and the post 9/11 changes in the commercial airline industry.


