BRANDI HINNANT-CRAWFORD is an Assistant Professor of Educational Research at Western Carolina University. As a mixed-methods methodologist, she believes in the complementary nature of quantitative and qualitative research and seeks to use research in transformative ways (such as with improvement science and youth participatory action research [YPAR]). Self-described as a womanist, liberation theologian, critical pedagogue, and aspiring scholar-activist, Dr. Hinnant-Crawford’s work has been published in a diverse array of academic journals, including: Urban Education, Journal for Multicultural Education, International Journal for Teacher Leadership, and Black Theology. Hinnant-Crawford’s research agenda employs an advocacy framework, where she intentionally seeks to expose policies and practices related to exploitation, domination, and marginalization—while simultaneously exploring remedies to alleviate the impact of those policies and practices. Brandi’s agenda has two broad strands that are intimately connected: the first is equity, inclusion, and access, which deals with the pedagogy, policies and practices within K-12 schooling. The other strand is organizational improvement that examines the utility of improvement methodologies and the role of different stakeholders in the realization of educational improvement. The intersection of these research strands explores how improvement can lead to greater equity, inclusion, and access for those in the margins. Brandi holds a doctorate in philosophy from Emory University in Educational Studies, a master’s degree in Urban Education Policy from Brown University, and bachelor’s degrees in English and Communication (media concentration) from North Carolina State University. While she loves research and teaching, her first priority is being the mother to her twins, Elizabeth Freedom and Elijah Justice Crawford.