Jack Lively


Jack Lively was born in Sheffield, in the UK. He grew up in the United States of America. He has worked as a fisherman, an ice cream truck driver, underwater cinematographer, gas station attendant, and outboard engine repairman. The other thing about Jack is that since he grew up without a TV, before the internet, he was always reading. And later on, Jack started writing. All through those long years working odd jobs and traveling around, Jack wrote. He’d write in bars and cafes, on boats and trains and even on long haul bus trips. Eventually Jack finished a book and figured he might as well see if anyone wanted to read it. Tom Keeler is a veteran combat medic who served in a special tactics unit of United States Air Force. The series begins when Keeler receives his discharge from the military. Keeler just wants to roam free. But stuff happens, and Keeler’s not the kind of guy who just walks away. Jack Lively lives in London with his family.



