Judith Berlowitz


Los Angeles–born author Judith Berlowitz had just retired from her Spanish-teaching position at Oakland’s Mills College when her genealogical research uncovered a Gestapo record mentioning a relative, Klara Philipsborn, who was the only woman anti-fascist volunteer in the Spanish Civil War from the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. The few details of the report led to more research, which led to her first novel, HOME SO FAR AWAY. In addition to her career teaching Spanish and world cultures, and a stint as a tour guide, Judith is a card-carrying translator and has published in the field of ethnomusicology (Sephardic balladry), oral history, and Jewish identity. She sang for years with the Oakland Symphony Chorus and is now a member of the San Francisco Bach Choir. She lives in San Francisco with her husband, not far from her three daughters and three grandsons. Find Judith online at the following: https://judithberlowitzauthor.com FaceBook pages: https://www.facebook.com/jberlowitzauthor (English, some Spanish); https://www.facebook.com/JBerlEsc (Spanish only) She Writes Press is part of SparkPoint Studio, LLC.


