Ian McLaren


Ian McLaren is currently the Bentley District Fire Chief, in the County of Lacombe, Alberta. The Bentley Fire Department has 23 volunteer members and attends anywhere from 80 to 100 calls a year. In order to support his firefighting addiction, Ian also works as a School Principal at a small Elementary School in Central Alberta. Ian has been a volunteer firefighter for over 21 years and on four different departments, and has been teaching for 26 years in seven different schools. He hopes this is not an indication of his inability to hold down a job, but more about how much he loves new challenges. Supporting Ian in everything he does is his lovely wife, Carolyn, and two children, Heather and Christopher. When not firefighting or teaching, Ian enjoys reading, hiking, fishing and travelling whenever he can afford it. Not My Emergency is Ian’s first full length novel, but he authors a monthly newsletter for his Alberta Teachers Association Local entitled Up the Creek.


