Author of Rock And Roll Crosswords™ and Rock And Roll Word Search™ for almost 2 decades. My Rock And Roll database is at 143,000+ at the time of this writing, but that changes every week. Vol. 2 coming soon! Then Vol. 3! Then... Rock And Roll Word Search series now available. Rock And Roll Crosswords and Rock And Roll Word Search are set apart from other books with the personal experience that no one can duplicate and have never been included in puzzle books before. I have attended thousands of shows in my life and spent countless hours waiting in alleys, backstages, merch booths, soundchecks, etc. to be able to bring you the photos, quotes and stories no one else can. For the puzzlers, I am the first and only cruciverbalist ever to have 100% music clues while meeting the gold standard NY Times criteria for professional-level crossword grids. So if you like general interest crosswords, the experience with the crossover in many of the clues is going to thrill. So hop on and take a trip down Rock And Roll Lane with me. I've dedicated my life to bringing the world music trivia so LET'S ROCK!