Olivia Talbott


Olivia Talbott is a word-addicted author who has a BA in Creative Writing and English. Her debut novel will release in September of 2023, being historical fiction based on the true story of a survivor of the Cambodian genocide, who finds redemption. Her passion is telling stories that the world needs to hear: stories based on actual events where Jesus intersects the narrative. Outside of reading and writing she enjoys gardening, farm life, homeschooling and co-running a tee-shirt printing company. Her life is wrapped around her three children and an incredibly supportive husband named Steven, all who reside on a small farm in central Kentucky. Scribbled between the lines of her life is the constant love of God, which breathes beauty and purpose into the otherwise mundane. If you’re interested in learning more, her website can be accessed here: oliviatalbott.com


