Aaron Bishop


Growing up I loved computers. I wanted to work with computers, and for 20 years that is what I did. In many different fields from Academia to corporate environment to the mom and pop store to running a business, I worked with computers. And I was good at it. Unfortunately for my dream of working with computers, burnout is a real thing and so I was forced to make a decision. My career or my family. I chose my family, and every day that goes by I am glad that I made this decision.. As I considered what new career path to follow, a ministry opportunity was thrust upon me. Having grown up as a "pastor’s kid" I wanted little to do with ministry, but as I started to engage this new opportunity I found that my skill of end to end process evaluation and working with and training end users translated well into this new calling. I also found, to the surprise of my inner introvert, that I liked people more than I had previously thought. Thus began my second life. This second life began with a small church gathering weekly in my home. I did not teach at the time, rather I led the discussion of the week's passage, gleaning from the wisdom of others. As time went on I devoted myself to study. I found the same passion that I once had for technical material had followed me into the theological realm. I studied this new material and found that when we apply modern western cultural assumption on the text of the Bible we end up with a limited view of what it has to say. The more I studied Ancient Near East culture, the literary components of the Bible, and Biblical languages, I gained a deeper insight and appreciation for the text. These deep insights began to multiply and I found myself writing them down and teaching them to the local church. As this continued I got the itch. I needed to pass these insights on to others, and so I started "The Darash Chai Experiment" podcast. Finally, after several years of devoting myself to social and audio visual media, I took the plunge and added the role of "author" to my resume. And that is where this page that you are reading now comes in. At of the time of writing this bio, on the eve of the publication of my first book, I am more than halfway through my second with plans for another five. My hope is that as you read these works, you will gain a deeper insight and relationship with God and His Word.


