Lilly was featured front page in the New York Times Sunday Magazine (What Does a Parrot Know About PTSD Charles Siebert) Her groundbreaking work with Dr. Loren Lindnir at Serenity Park at the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration. She worked daily with veterans suffering from severe PTSD in a natural setting, bonding rescue parrots with veterans in a therapeutic approach with great success for both parrots and veterans. Lilly simply states, "if you follow this guide, you're going to feel better and find more happiness." She believes in a holistic approach to healing mind, body, and spirit. She lives on her sailboat in Mexico writing/creating her mesmerizing illustrations that please the eye and tickle the subconscious. Catch her blog: The Realistic Holistic at lillovepublishing. Lillys spiritual path started as Coast Guard Helicopter Rescue Crew in Alaska where she searched for harmony in disciplines from Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies to massage therapy and meditation.