Lucy Doncaster


I’ve been lucky enough to work in book publishing for more than 20 years, having landed my first job soon after graduating with a degree in English Studies. During this time, I’ve written, ghost-written, edited, proofread, designed and project managed hundreds of fiction and non-fiction books for both adults and children. Writing projects have covered topics ranging from foraging, forensics and mysteries of the unexplained, to cookery, the British royal family, and children’s puzzle books – all for different publishers. I am currently planning and writing an exciting new four-book series of illustrated children’s puzzle books, for publication in 2025 and 2026. When I’m not glued to my computer, I’m usually to be found hiking with my husband, daughters and dog; working out; reading novels with the ‘assistance’ of my two cats; listening to music; kitchen-dancing with my friends; and doing crosswords.



