James Carroll is the author of twelve novels, most recently The Cloister, which The New York Times called “incandescent,” and eight works of non-fiction, most recently THE TRUTH AT THE HEART OF THE LIE: HOW THE CATHOLIC CHURCH LOST ITS SOUL, to be published in 2021. Other books include the National Book Award winning An American Requiem; the New York Times bestselling Constantine's Sword, now an acclaimed documentary; House of War, which won the first PEN-John Kenneth Galbraith Award; and Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which was named a 2011 Best Book by Publishers Weekly. Carroll is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, and an Associate of The Mahindras Humanities Center at Harvard University. For 23 years he wrote a weekly column for The Boston Globe, and contributes occasional essays to NEWYORKER.COM . He lives in Boston with his wife, the writer Alexandra Marshall.