Terry Barrett

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Terry Barrett is Professor Emeritus of Art Education, with a joint appointment in Art, at The Ohio State University, where he is honored with a distinguished teaching award for courses in criticism and aesthetics. He has authored several books: Why Is That Art? (3rd ed.); Making Art; Criticizing Art (3rd ed.); Criticizing Photographs (5th ed.); Interpreting Art; and Talking about Student Art. His most recent book is CRITS: A Student Manual. He edited the anthology Lessons for Teaching Art Criticism and has published articles in Aesthetic Education, Afterimage, Art Education, Exposure, Camera-Lucida, Dialogue, Cultural Research in Art Education, New Advocate, New Art Examiner, Studies in Art Education, Teaching Artist Journal, Theory into Practice, Visual Arts Research, and chapters in edited books. He consults art museum education departments, juries exhibitions, and conducts workshops on studio critiques and writing about art. He makes and exhibits photographs, paintings, and prints.
