Its hard to believe that I spent over 40 years in the crafts industry, firstly working with wools and threads and then moving over to soap making and skincare. In the 70s I created a designer knitting company exporting hand knits all over the world to stores such as Harrods, Nordstrom and Sax Fifth Avenue. My soaping career started in rural Wales where it progressed from my kitchen to becoming the largest handmade soap company in the UK supplying prestige department stores and all the major UK supermarket chains and I wrote a lot of 'how to' books along the way. It wasn't until my sixties that I learned a very valuable lesson. I realised that sharing my journey through these careers was worth more to me in financial terms than the products I had spent half my life labouring over so at 62 I moved to the South of France and started to work online as a business coach helping passionate entrepreneurs build the businesses of their dreams. I wrote my new book "Your Age Is Your Business" to re-assure the over 50's that in this informational age of the internet you can and should build a career selling your life and professional experiences and the book is a gentle introduction on how to go about doing that. It is also a book that encourages you to look at your life and decide whether you are living the older person stereotype and if so, to remind you of everything you have achieved and the value of your knowledge to other people. If you are over 50 and struggling with status, isolation, lack of money, fear of unemployment or boredom in retirement I wrote this book for you.