Parent of two and a first-time grandparent, Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz, Ms.Ed., is a best-selling children's author, career educator, and longtime consultant for schools, parents, and writers.
Babs' 100+ books and 350+ poems and songs for children include kid-favorites Don't Go Out in Your Underwear! (Pearson Education); HarperCollins' picture books The Bridge is Up!; Sputter, Sputter, Sput!; and Jacks and More Jacks!; WOW! Words (GoodYearBooks); and Babs' Dainty Dinosaur 12-book series (Modern Curriculum Press/Pearson Education), have been found for decades now in homes, classrooms. and libraries around the globe.
Other time-tested books and classroom materials by Babs include: Peaceful Me; Sometimes I Feel Happy, Sometimes I Feel Sad; Poetry Works! poster collections (3 levels); middle-grades biography Mary Carter Smith: African-American Storyteller; Phonics through Poetry: Teaching Phonemic Awareness Using Poetry (2 volumes); Rhythm & Rhyme Reader series; Questions and Answers series; Words, Words, Words; Words and More Words; Listen, Listen: Letter Sounds in Rhyme; Steppingstone Stories series; and the staff-development video Developing Oral Language and Phonemic Awareness through Rhythm and Rhyme. Babs is author of numerous children's stories, articles for teachers and parents, has written guest columns for major newspapers, including Atlanta Journal Constitution and Houston Chronicle, and has contributed to and edited many elementary textbooks.
Babs taught early childhood, elementary, and special education at all levels, served school districts in Indiana and Michigan as director of special education, and taught graduate and undergraduate education courses at Eastern Michigan and Cleveland State Universities. She is a frequent conference keynoter and a popular visiting author in schools around the world.
Babs founded Booking the Future: Reader to Reader™, a community-involvement literacy program that placed books in the hands and homes of 16,000+ four-, five-, and six-year-olds, and Pee Wee Poetry™, her language development program for children ages two through nine. An educator for 45+ years now, Babs seeks to share her expertise through "Literacy Lunch & Learn" sessions where corporate employees learn easy, practical ways to develop their children's oral language prowess; her blog at; and her forthcoming non-profit
Babsy B, is her newest venture:
What all moms need is Babsy B. Babsy B is a new Atlanta-based brand from Babs. A best-selling author and early education expert, Babs is also a successful doting mom and grandmother. She is the woman we all wish we had on speed dial when we have questions.
Moms and caregivers can breathe a sigh of relief as Babs is preparing to launch a new series of Board Books that can deliver her years of background and insight to any doorstep this October 2014. The tailored, age-specific books are adorably written and illustrated. What makes the Babsy B books unique is that everything in the books - from the word choice, to the message, to the illustrations and their colors - has been selected based upon proven research into what is best for each critical developmental stage from birth to age 3.