Audrey Grant's Better Bridge was founded by Audrey Grant and David Lindop in 1992. They have the compatible skills to produce quality bridge material: David is an expert player; Audrey has an extensive background in education. Audrey Grant has an international reputation in the field of bridge education. Her vision and commitment have been key to the success of the Audrey Grant Better Bridge series of books, TV shows, lectures, software, the Better Bridge magazine and the Online Interactive Daily Bridge Column. She works with the game’s best theorists to make sure the material is current and of the highest quality. Grant has received many awards for the quality of her material and was inducted into the Bridge Hall of Fame. David Lindop is an integral part of the Audrey Grant Better Bridge products and is essential to their success. He is a popular writer and an expert who competes regularly in world championships. David is an active member of the bridge community holding the record for chairing the second-largest bridge tournament in the world, attracting more than 22,000 tables in play.