Todd G. Buchholz

Todd G. Buchholz profile image


Former White House economic advisor, managing director of the legendary Tiger hedge fund, and winner of Harvard's annual teaching prize. Buchholz is a co-producer of the Broadway smash Jersey Boys and the co-writer of the new musical Glory Ride, which will be produced in London in 2017. He frequently appears on TV and radio on PBS, NPR, Fox, CNBC, Charlie Rose, and Bill Maher. Buchholz was named "One of the 21 Top Speakers for the 21st Century" by Successful Meetings magazine and recently gave a speech to two thousand people in LA as the warmup act for Jay Leno. He is passionate about education and has patented the Math Arrow, which makes numbers intuitive to children and is available as a poster on Amazon ( His iPad math games Kyle Counts and Kira Counting Game, can be found at the AppStore (

Buchholz blogs at and tweets @EconTodd
