Peter Jones

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Peter H. Jones, Ph.D.

Dr. Peter Jones is an American author, a Distinguished University Professor of Systemic Design at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico and an associate professor at Toronto's OCAD University. In his MDes graduate courses, he uses the books Design Journeys to teach systemic design practices and Design for Care for healthcare service design.

Peter is a founder of the Systemic Design Association and its conference series, the RSD Symposia, Peter conducts design and research in the emerging field of systemic design, the interdisciplinary fusion of systems theory and design, as applied to complex social systems, public policy, critical human services, and decision making. As a founder of the Redesign Network, for more than 20 years Peter has led the design and making of tools for thinking, decision and information services for clinicians, scientists, students and professional practices through mixed-methods design, engaged fieldwork and cognitive analysis.

Peter is the author of four books, with Design Journeys (2022) co-authored with Brussels-based Kristel Van Ael. He wrote Design for Care: Innovating Healthcare Experience in 2013, which continues to be a leading text for service design in patient-centred and clinical healthcare. He is a frequent conference speaker and author in service and systems design in healthcare practice. He holds a Ph.D. in Design and Innovation Management and a Master’s in Human Factors Psychology.

Articles are available at his blog site at:

Selected Publications

Peter Jones & Kristel Van Ael, K. (2021). Design for services in complex system contexts. Touchpoint, 12(2) April 2021.

Peter Jones (2018). Contexts of co-creation: Designing with system stakeholders. In Systemic Design: Theory, Methods and Practice, pp. 3-52. Springer Japan.

Peter Jones (2017). The Systemic Turn: Leverage for world changing. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 3 (3), 157–163.

Peter Jones (2017). The futures of Canadian governance: Foresight competencies for public administration in the digital era. Canadian Public Administration, 60, 657–681. doi:10.1111/capa.12241

Peter Jones (2017). Social ecologies of flourishing: Designing conditions that sustain culture. Design for a Sustainable Culture: Perspectives, Practices and Education, pp. 38-54. London: Routledge.

Jones, P.H. (2017). Soft Service Design Outside the Envelope of Healthcare. Design for Health, pp. 39-57. London: Routledge.

Peter Jones, Shakdher, S. & Singh, P. (2017). Synthesis maps: visual knowledge translation for the CanIMPACT clinical system and patient cancer journeys. Current Oncology, 24 (2).
