David Courtwright is best known for his books on drug use and drug policy in American and world history (Dark Paradise, Addicts Who Survived, Forces of Habit, and The Age of Addiction) and for his books on the special problems of frontier environments (Violent Land and Sky as Frontier). He has also written a history of the culture war that engulfed America in the four decades after Nixon's 1968 election, No Right Turn: Conservative Politics in a Liberal America. Courtwright lives in Jacksonville, Florida, and is Presidential Professor Emeritus at the University of North Florida. He was educated at the University of Kansas and at Rice University. Selected articles by David Courtwright are available at Digital Commons, http://digitalcommons.unf.edu/do/search/?q=author_lname%3A%22Courtwright%22%20author_fname%3A%22David%22&start=0&context=1817986 Interviews, videos, articles, and other materials are available at davidcourtwright.domains.unf.edu Photo credits: Shelby Miller (color) and David Wilson (black and white)