Who would ever imagine that someone who majored in math so she wouldn't have to write papers would produce fifteen epic fantasy novels? I tell people that writing is "the hobby that ate my life." I grew up in Texas in a family of teachers, musicians, and railroad men, taught math for a while, but worked as a software engineer for much longer. I have degrees in mathematics from Rice University and computer science from the University of Colorado. I live, camp, hike, and bike with my husband in the Colorado Rockies. My books have won the Prism Award, the Geffen Award, and multiple Colorado Book Awards. I was truly honored and humbled when my duology, Flesh and Spirit and Breath and Bone, was awarded the Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature. My name now sits on a list with the very authors whose works sit on my bookshelves: Tolkien, McKillip, Le Guin, Anderson, Kushner, et al. Join me on Facebook (Carol Berg) or visit me on the web at [http://www.carolberg.com] or [ http://www.facebook.com/carolberg].