T. Chris Martindale


T. Chris Martindale wrote a few horror novels back in the day—four to be exact. The first two were fairly well received, one even nominated for Best First Novel by the Horror Writers of America as they were known at the time. But the last two were barely noticed, possibly due to crappy distribution and some truly embarrassing covers. That and the general drying up of the horror market in the ’90s suggested to Martindale that maybe writing wasn't his bag after all. So he stopped. Flash forward to 2017. His vampire novel Nightblood gets a mention in Grady Hendrix's book, Paperbacks from Hell, and that leads to it being reprinted for the first time in almost thirty years. Now Crossroad Press has offered to reprint his other three titles as well—Where the Chill Waits, Demon Dance, and The Voice in the Basement. Martindale says he's excited to see these works available for a new audience after all this time. Questions for the author (aside from “What the hell you been doing for the last thirty years!”) can be sent to tchrismartindale@outlook.com.


