Gabriel Egan


I am Professor of Shakespeare Studies and one of the four General Editors (with Gary Taylor, Terri Bourus, and John Jowett) of the New Oxford Shakespeare Complete Works, of which the Modern Critical Edition appeared in October 2016 and the Critical Reference Edition and Authorship Companion will appear in early 2017. I co-edit the academic journals Theatre Notebook (for the Society for Theatre Research) and Shakespeare (for the British Shakespeare Association and Routledge). I am Principal Investigator on the £312,000 AHRC-funded research project "Shakespeare's Early Editions: Computational Methods for Textual Studies" (running from 2016 to 2018) that will explore the differences between the quarto and Folio versions of his plays to see if they can be quantified and explained in terms of textual corruption and authorial and non-authorial revision. My latest sole-authored book is a monograph called Shakespeare and Ecocritical Theory for the Arden Shakespeare series (London: Bloomsbury, 2015). Right now I am editing Shakespeare's The Two Gentlemen of Verona for the New Variorum Shakespeare series (New York: Modern Language Association, 2019).



