John Brehm

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John Brehm was born and raised in Lincoln, Nebraska and educated at the University of Nebraska and Cornell University. He is the author of four full-length books of poetry, Sea of Faith, Help Is on the Way, No Day at the Beach, and Dharma Talk, as well as a chapbook, The Way Water Moves. He has also authored a collection of essays, The Dharma of Poetry, a companion to his acclaimed anthology, The Poetry of Impermanence, Mindfulness, and Joy. His poems have appeared in Poetry, Ploughshares, The Gettysburg Review, The Sun, The Southern Review, Plume, Gulf Coast, The Missouri Review, New Ohio Review, The Writer’s Almanac, Poetry Daily, Verse Daily, The Best American Poetry, The Norton Introduction to Literature, and many other journals and anthologies. He is a longtime meditator and student of the Dharma.

John lives in Portland, Oregon.
