First, allow me to clarify that my website is com is a domain squat. Now. About me: I was born and reared just outside of Savannah, Georgia in a charming small town, Sylvania, Georgia. Yeah, I have a southern accent. It gets a little more southern every time I cross the Florida/Georgia state line. I believe one must go North to get South of here. If I had all the time in the world, I'd probably lay on the sofa all day and watch old movies. I usually have to get sick for something even close to that happening. But time or not, I love hiking in the great outdoors and I enjoy pushing myself to new heights, both physically and spiritually. I quote lines from movies and songs so often that most people are unaware of what I'm doing. I may or may not have offended some folks. If I have...I'm sorry. I'm an ex-nurse and a seminary graduate. I wasn't that crazy about nursing, but love God with a passion and can hardly get through a conversation without talking about our relationship! I think the Old Testament is totally FUN to read (I mean, HOW much stuff can one clan of people get in to?) and the New Testament draws me closer to Heaven. Yeah! My husband and I have been married since 1979 (and they said it wouldn't last ...). We have three of the greatest kids ever and the most amazing grandkids. I'm pretty much owned by my dog. When I'm not writing, I'm editing. When I'm not editing, I'm running Word Weavers International, an international membership group of writers who, using the art of critique, become iron sharpening iron. I am also one of the two directors of Florida Christian Writers Conference. I speak at writers conferences across America and to women's groups as well as to congregations. I'm rarely still and I sleep very little. Life is good.