Gil Reavill latest crime novel is a Nordic thriller, This Land Is No Stranger, co-authored with American dramatist (and long-time Stockholm resident) Sarah Hollister, available in hardcover, paperback and Kindle editions on March 11, 2021. His "13" series of thrillers kicked off with 13 Hollywood Apes, followed by 13 Stolen Girls and 13 Under the Wire. He is a leading true-crime journalist, with work widely featured in magazined and in the non-fiction books Mafia Summit and Aftermath, Inc. A screenwriter, Reavill co-wrote the corrupt cop thriller, Dirty, starring Cuba Gooding, Jr. Reavill also works as a collaborative writer, with recent credits including Club King, by Peter Gatien, Famous Nathan, by Lloyd Handwerker, I Only Know Who I Am When I Am Somebody Else, by Danny Aiello, and Steve & Me: My Life with the Crocodile Hunter, by Terri Irwin. Reavill lives in Westchester County, New York.