Pamela S. Turner

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Pamela S. Turner has an abiding fascination with science, animals, evolution, and a special interest in Japanese history. She is the author of award-winning books for young readers, including HOW TO BUILD A HUMAN: IN SEVEN EVOLUTIONARY STEPS, an ALA Notable Book, SAMURAI RISING, a YALSA Excellence in Nonfiction Award finalist, as well as CROW SMARTS and THE FROG SCIENTIST, both winners of the AAAS/Subaru SB&F Prize for Excellence in Science Books. Her newest book, COMET CHASER, is the true Cinderella story of Caroline Herschel, the first professional woman astronomer. When not writing, she practices kendo (Japanese sword fighting) and volunteers as a wildlife rehabilitator specializing in crows and ravens.

To learn more, to sign up for her newsletter or to follow her on Instagram or Facebook, visit her website at "pamelasturner" "dot" "com."
