Having taught junior high and high school and served as a school principal, Jim Eichenberger has a passion for education. He holds a master's degree in educational administration from the University of Illinois at Springfield and an undergraduate degree in Christian education from Lincoln (Illinois) Christian University. As a Christian educator, Jim has been a contributor to Standard Publishing since the 1970s and has been employed by Standard full-time since 1995. In the late 1990s, Jim began developing the concept of a chronological treatment of the Bible that would have broad appeal to Christians of all maturity levels. That concept has come to fruition in Standard Publishing's Discovering God's Story: Fully Illustrated Bible Handbook in Chronological Order, available at Christian bookstores and at www.standardpub.com/Products/021532410/discovering-gods-story.aspx. From: http://christianstandard.com/2011/01/interview-with-jim-eichenberger/ Jim has also authored the latest revision of the classic Bible teacher's certification course, Training for Service. Most recently, Jim led the team that developed a study Bible designed especially for those who lead others in understanding God's Word: The Standard Lesson Teachers' Study Bible. See also: http://christianstandard.com/2014/05/a-bible-for-teachers-introducing-the-standard-lesson-teachers-study-bible/ http://christianstandard.com/2011/09/taking-the-first-bite-out-of-biblical-illiteracy/ http://www.lookoutmag.com/articles/articledisplay.asp?id=296 http://christianstandard.com/2010/04/tools-to-help-you-use-the-arts-mark-a-taylor/ http://www.religiousproductnews.com/articles/2008-April/Feature-Articles/Choosing-Sunday-School-Curriculum-to-Get-Results.htm http://www.lookoutmag.com/articles/articledisplay.asp?id=362 http://www.religiousproductnews.com/articles/2010-April/Feature-Articles/Asking-the-Right-Questions-About-Sunday-School-Curriculum.htm