Michael Karl Witzel

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Witzel is an award-winning writer and photographer. A member of the American Society of Journalists and Authors and The Authors Guild, he's penned dozens of critically-acclaimed books about vanishing roadside America and pop culture, including The American Gas Station: History and Folklore of the Gas Station in American Car Culture (winner of the Antique Automobile Club of America's Thomas McKean Memorial Cup and the Society of Automotive Historians Nichlas-Joseph Cugnot Award). Recent works include The American Drive-In, The American Diner, The American Motel, Route 66 Remembered, Legendary Route 66: A Journey Through Time Along America's Mother Road, Barbecue Road Trip, and Strange 66: Myth, Mystery, Mayhem, and Other Weirdness on Route 66. His writing and photography have been published in Check The Oil!, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Invention & Technology, Mobilia, Motorhome, Rider, Route 66, the Society for Commercial Archeology Journal, Texas Highways, and Volkswagen World magazines.
