Lisa Ann Richey is a Visiting Professor at the Kenan Institute for Ethics and Professor of International Development Studies and Director of the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Business at Roskilde University in Denmark. She served as founding Vice-President of the Global South Caucus, and Advisory Board Member of the Global Health Section, of the International Studies Association (ISA). She is the author of the books Brand Aid: Shopping Well to Save the World with Stefano Ponte (2011), Population Politics and Development: From the Policies to the Clinics (2008), the co-editor with Stefano Ponte of New Actors and Alliances in Development (2014), and editor of Celebrity Humanitarianism and North-South Relations: Politics, Place and Power (2016). She researches international aid politics, state-society relations, new transnational actors and alliances in the global South, development theory, global health and gender. She leads the research project on Commodifying Compassion: Implications of Turning People and Humanitarian Causes into Marketable Things (2016-2020), funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research. She completed post-doctoral training in the Department of Population and International Health at Harvard University and a Ph.D. in the Department Political Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.