Peter Hawkins


Peter Hawkins (1950-?) Emeritus Professor of Leadership at Henley Business School University of Reading UK and Chairman of Renewal Associate is a global thought leader in Collective Leadership, Systemic Team Coaching, Coaching and Supervision. For the last 45 years he has been helping organizations in many parts of the world connect their strategic change, their organizational culture and their leadership development. He has written extensively about leadership, leadership teams, coaching and supervision. Currently his major concern is the growing gap between the increasing and changing challenges for individual and collective leadership and how leadership development is failing to evolve at the same speed. This is addressed in his latest book “Beauty in Leadership and Coaching: and its role in transforming Human Consciousness.” Published in December 2024 by Routledge. He recently wrote a new book with Alison Whybrow, Eve Turner, and Josie Mclean on " Ecological and Climate Conscious Coaching: A Companion Guide for the Journey" and he is engaged in supporting many Ecological projects. He has just completed writing with Dr. Catherine Carr: “Team of Teams Coaching” which will be published in June 2025 by Kogan Page. Other recent publications include the 4th expanded and updated edition of "Leadership Team Coaching: Developing Collective Transformational Leadership" and the 3rd expanded edition of "Leadership Team Coaching in Practice: Case Studies on Creating Highly Effective Teams." Both published by Kogan Page and "Systemic Coaching: Delivering Value Beyond the Individual." with Eve Turner published by Routledge; and "Integrative Psychotherapy: A Relational, Systemic and Ecological Approach" with Judy Ryde, published by Jessica Kingsley. He teaches Systemic Team Coaching both virtually and face to face right around the world and is also a visiting professor at the universities of Bath and Oxford Brookes. He is enjoyably kept busy by his wife, three children and their partners, five grandchildren, and numerous hens, goats, cows and large gardens, woodland and fields where he lives on the edge of Bath in the UK.



