Christopher Kutz teaches criminal law, moral and political philosophy, and the ethics of international law at Berkeley Law School, U.C. Berkeley, where he is C. William Maxeiner Distinguished Professor of Law, in the Jurisprudence and Social Policy doctoral program. He has also taught at Columbia and Stanford Law Schools. He has a Ph.D in Philosophy from U.C. Berkeley, and a J.D. from Yale Law School. His first book, Complicity, took up the question of when and how individuals share responsibility for mass harms in which they take part. His new book, On War and Democracy, is a philosophical and legal exploration of the dilemmas posed by the West's simultaneous commitment to democratic principles, and the ease with which it can resort to military force in national self-defense, humanitarian intervention, and state-building. He is currently working on projects involving national responsibility for climate change, comparisons in the way different nations value human lives, and connections between music and morality. He lives in Berkeley with his wife, historian Jessica Riskin, and his son and daughter, dog and cat.