William G. Brozo


William G. Brozo is a Professor of Literacy in the Graduate School of Education at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. He earned his bachelor's degree from the University of North Carolina and his master's and doctorate from the University of South Carolina. He has taught reading and language arts in the Carolinas. He is the author of numerous articles on literacy development for children and young adults. His books include To Be a Boy, To Be a Reader: Engaging Teen and Preteen Boys in Active Literacy (International Reading Association); Beginnings for Boys: Engaging Young Boys in Active Literacy (IRA); Readers, Teachers, Learners: Expanding Literacy Across the Content Areas (Merrill/Prentice Hall); Content Literacy for Today’s Adolescents: Honoring Diversity and Building Competence(Merrill/Prentice Hall); Principled Practices for Adolescent Literacy: A Framework for Instruction and Policy (Erlbaum); 50 Content Area Strategies for Adolescent Literacy (Merrill/Prentice Hall); Supporting Content Area Literacy with Technology (Allyn & Bacon); and Setting the Pace: A Speed, Comprehension and Study Skills Program (Merrill). His soon to be published books are The Adolescent Literacy Inventory (Allyn and Bacon) and Response to Interventions for Secondary Literacy: Meeting the Needs of Striving Adolescent Readers (Teachers College Press). Dr. Brozo is also a contributing author to Prentice-Hall Literature, a program for adolescent readers. He serves on the editorial review board of the Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. He was past columnist of "Strategic Moves" for the journal Thinking Classroom and currently co-authors the “Content Literacy” column for The Reading Teacher. He is also a past member of IRA's Commission on Adolescent Literacy, the Adolescent Literacy Committee, and current chair of the PISA/PIRLS Task Force. He was a co-investigator on a Carnegie Grant team that compiled an important report on best practice in adolescent literacy. As an IRA-USAID consultant, Dr. Brozo has travelled frequently to the Balkans, where he provided technical support to secondary teachers. He regularly speaks at professional meetings around the country and consults with states and districts on ways of building capacity among teacher leaders, enriching the literate culture of schools, enhancing the literate lives of boys, and making teaching more responsive to the needs all students.



