Sam Fadala


Sam Fadala lived in Patagonia, Arizona, during his eighteenth year, where he met the last Arizona Ranger who was spending his final days in the same little village on the Mexican border. Many years later, the haunting stories surrounding the ranger, some true, some fabricated, melded into a tale of adventure. By that time, Fadala had been a full-time outdoor sports writer for more than twenty-five years, as well as a college professor, a high school teacher, and a city and Forest Service firefighter in Arizona and Alaska. Sam lives with his wife Judy and cat Meow II in the White Mountains of Arizona. His book, Apache Oro, is scheduled to appear in 2019 with Prairie Rose Publications/Sundown Press. He recently completed his 36th and 37th titles, semi-documentary and semi-autobiographical novels. For fun, he’s a volunteer winter woodcutter, helping people to stay warm in the 8,000 foot-above-sea-level high country.



