Vilis Inde is of Latvian descent - both parents having been born in Latvia. He was raised to return to a free Latvia - the hope of the Latvian diaspora. Inde has practiced law, authored several books, translated "The Golden Horse" from the Latvian, and operates inde/jacobs art gallery in Marfa TX. Inde has translated Rainis' "The Golden Horse," one of the most important books in Latvian literature. The most complete translation is included in "The Glass Mountain Trilogy: Climbing the Mountain, The Golden Horse by Rainis, and The Castle of Light." The first of the three books present a brief history of Latvia providing the background to understand the symbolism included in "The Golden Horse." The second book includes the the translations of Rainis' fairy-tale. This is a call for Latvians to unite and overcome seven centuries of oppression by more powerful neighbors. The final book discusses the design of the new National Library of Latvia, designed by Gunnar Birkerts. This monument is a tribute to Latvian survival of centuries of foreign rule by more powerful neighbors. The building presents the symbolism of, inter alia, the glass mountain and the castle of light. This trilogy provides the reader with a path to understand the story of the Latvian people from its beginning and through the present. The Glass Mountain Trilogy was published by the Latvian National Library Foundation in 2016 in a limited edition hardcover format. The book is available in the U.S. and internationally as an ebook provided by Kindle Direct Publishing and Amazon. All proceeds of the purchase, other that KDP/Amazon's share, will support projects by the Latvian National Library Foundation. Inde's most recent project is a brief history of Latvia. The history is presented in 100 pages so that it is accessible to a broad audience. This might be the first stop for people who are interested in learning about Latvia. Greater detail can be easily found in other books. Inde lives in Marfa, Texas - a remote town of about 2,000 people in West Texas. It is a Mecca for minimalism. The artist Donald Judd lived in Marfa and NYC and created a museum with site-specific installations - the Chinati Foundation. Marfa draws visitors from around the world. Inde has prepared a photo book called "Signs of Marfa" that was updated in 2015.