Chuck Collins


Chuck Collins is author of "Altar to An Erupting Sun" (Green Writer Press 2023), a future fiction novel about one community's response to climate disruption. Kim Stanley Robinson, author of The Ministry for the Future, writes, "We need more books like this one." His is author of 2021 book, The Wealth Hoarders: How Billionaires Pay Millions to Hide Trillions (Polity Press). His is also author of the popular book, Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common Good (Chelsea Green, 2016) Previous books include Wealth and Our Commonwealth, with Bill Gates Sr., and 99 to 1: How Wealth Inequality is Wrecking the World and What We Can Do About It ( He is a senior scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies where he directs the Program on Inequality and the Common Good and co-edits the web site, He is a national expert on economic inequality, tax policy, corporate power and class privilege and power. He lives in Vermont.



