Eric Seibert is Professor of Old Testament at Messiah College and the author of a number of books and articles. His two most recent books are Disturbing Divine Behavior: Troubling Old Testament Images of God (Fortress 2009) and The Violence of Scripture: Overcoming the Old Testament's Troubling Legacy (Fortress 2012). Eric is the winner of the Society of Biblical Literature Regional Scholar Award (Eastern Great Lakes, 2005) and has served as President of the Eastern Great Lakes Biblical Society (2010-2011). Eric has also served as the Director of the Peace and Conflict Studies Initiative at Messiah College. Additionally, he has both training and experience in conflict mediation. He enjoys speaking about topics related to the Old Testament's problematic portrayals of God, the violence of Scripture, and the need to read the Bible responsibly, in ways that promote peace. He is currently working on a book provisionally titled Disarming the Church: Why Christians Must Forsake Violence to Follow Jesus (Cascade Books). Eric is a member of the Brethren in Christ Church. He lives with his wife and three children in Grantham, PA.