J. Todd Billings is the Gordon H. Girod Research Professor of Reformed Theology at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. After receiving degrees from Wheaton College, and Fuller Seminary, he received his Th.D. from Harvard. He is an ordained minister, and the author of six books and numerous scholarly essays, including for Oxford Handbook and Cambridge Companion volumes. He also writes for popular audiences, such as for Christianity Today, The Christian Century, and Relevant magazine.
His first book, "Calvin, Participation, and the Gift," won a 2009 Templeton Award for Theological Promise. His third book, "Union with Christ," won a 2012 Christianity Today Book Award. His 2015 book, "Rejoicing in Lament," gives a theological reflection on providence and lament in light of his cancer diagnosis. His most recent book, "The End of the Christian Life," explores how a Christian embrace of our mortal limits can deepen the journey of discipleship. His website is www.jtoddbillings.com.