E. Barrie Kavasch was born in Mound Builders territory in Ohio more than half a century ago. She has traveled widely through Europe and the Americas researching native resources and sacred sites and practices. She honors both European and American Indian bloodlines, and is a direct descendant back through 16 generations to Pocahontas. Barrie has written a variety of natural history books especially on the cultures and cuisines of American Indians, while also honoring the cultures and cuisines of many indigenous cultures around the world. She continues to teach and write about hatha yoga and mindfulness inspired by her daughter Kimberlee who manages her own wellness business in Albuquerque.
She is an herbalist and ethnobotanist with more than 25 books in print: including five poetry books and ten books for children and young adults. Her fifth book of poetry, HAIKU MOMENTS (2009), continues to be a valuable teaching text exploring many ways of seeing nature. Barrie teaches creative writing, poetry, and American Indian ethnobotany, as well as many aspects of spiritual healing and wellness; her home and studio are in the Northwest Hills of Connecticut, where she manages a lively Chess Club with her son Christopher.