Rachel Pepper


Rachel Pepper is a licensed therapist who has published four books. Her latest book is the IPPY award winning anthology Transitions of the Heart: Stories of Love, Struggle and Acceptance by Mothers of Transgender and Gender Variant Children, published by Cleis in May, 2012. This collection by more than 30 mothers of diverse backgrounds and ages provides a window into the transition mothers go though along with their children. Rachel is also the co-author of the groundbreaking Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals, written with Stephanie Brill. The Transgender Child has garnered rave reviews from readers all over the world as an affirming book for families who want to better understand their gender diverse or transgender child. It has also been translated into German. She can be directly contacted at RLPepper@Hotmail.com. Please also see her website at www.rachel-pepper.com.



