Leslie Ludy

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Leslie and her husband, Eric, are the authors of almost 30 books that have been translated into over a dozen languages around the world, including their widely known classic, When God Writes Your Love Story. Leslie’s bestselling books for women include Authentic Beauty, Set-Apart Femininity, Set-Apart Motherhood, and The Set-Apart Woman.

Leslie has spoken to hundreds of thousands of women over the past twenty years. Her core message of complete surrender to Christ in every area of life has inspired today’s Christian woman to exchange mediocrity for a thriving spiritual life that impacts others for God’s glory. Leslie is the director of Set Apart Girl Ministries and founder of the Set Apart Girl Magazine, which inspires women of all ages toward Christ-centered femininity.

Leslie and Eric are passionate about adoption and have adopted four of their six children. The Ludys live in Colorado where they train Christians in Gospel-centered living through their powerful Ellerslie Discipleship Programs.

Visit Leslie's website at: https://setapartgirl.com

Visit Eric and Leslie's discipleship ministry at: https://ellerslie.com

Visit Eric and Leslie's Facebook at www.facebook.com/EricandLeslieLudy

Visit Set Apart Girl's Facebook at www.facebook.com/SetApartGirlMagazine

Visit Ellerslie's Facebook at www.facebook.com/EllerslieLeadershipTraining
