Michelle Wildgen


Michelle Wildgen is the author of the novels WINE PEOPLE, BREAD AND BUTTER, BUT NOT FOR LONG, and YOU'RE NOT YOU, as well as the editor of the anthology FOOD and BOOZE: A TIN HOUSE LITERARY FEAST. Her work has appeared in the New York Times, O, the Oprah Magazine, Salon, Real Simple online, Best Food Writing, Best New American Voices, and several literary journals and anthologies, including Tin House, StoryQuarterly, Prairie Schooner, TriQuarterly, Death by Pad Thai, Naming the World, and Dirty Words. She lives in Madison, Wisconsin, the setting of her first two novels and the city to which she returned in 2007 after seven years in the greater New York area. Now she's one of those overjoyed shoppers who linger at the farmers markets, engaging passersby in conversations about shallots. She writes about memorable food and nervous people, finally relinquished the dream of making her own mozzarella, and saw her quality of life sky-rocket after discovering the concept of "weekday cake."


