David Valdes Greenwood


David Valdes is an award-winning playwright, novelist, and essayist. He is the author of young adult novels Spin Me Right Round (Indie Next Pick, Junior Library Guild pick, New York Public Libraries Best Book for Teens), Brighter than the Moon (coming from Bloomsbury 2023), and Finding My Elf (coming from Harper Teen fall 2023), as well as the nonfiction books (under the name David Valdes Greenwood) Homo Domesticus, A Little Fruitcake (a Today Show Top 10 Holiday Books pick), and The Rhinestone Sisterhood. He is the author of more than a dozen plays staged coast to coast and overseas, including Mermaid Hour. His essays and columns have appeared in the New York Times, Boston Globe, and Huffington Post. Gay and Cuban-American, he is especially interested in work that is intersectional, uplifting LGBTQ and BIPOC life. Learn more at www.davidvaldeswrites.com.



